B2B businesses need content to drive traffic and convert leads into customers. It's no surprise that B2B companies are increasing their content marketing budgets each year. However, do they make use of content marketing to its fullest potential? How can you create content that achieves multiple goals such as traffic acquisition and ranking? The challenge is B2B content B2B content can be … [Read more...]
The most positive social media story for 10 years
Like millions around the world, I can’t take my eyes off the news coming out of Ukraine. As I write this, the developments are heart-breaking and infuriating, but whatever hope is coming out of the war is being delivered by social media. At the heart of this crisis, we are witnessing the most important and positive social media story in 10 years. The first global star turn for social media was the … [Read more...]
What Opt-In Pages can do to boost conversions (with examples)
Your site is visited by a visitor. Look around. Leaves. It happens all the times. If you don't get conversions, you are wasting money. It's frustrating. How can you get people to stay? What can you do to convert those visitors who come once into long-term customers? Opt-in pages are the answer. We will walk you through opt-in pages and explain why they are so effective. You'll also find … [Read more...]
How to Start Podcasting: A Beginner’s Guide to Get Started
"Let's do it. Your idea was to start a podcast. You hesitated, and then you decided to abandon the entire plan. Today, I say: Let's get it done! Why not? Every day, the Podcast industry is filled with new podcasters for nearly every niche. Recent data has shown that podcasts have risen dramatically from 500,000 in 2018 and to more than 2 million by 2021. Podcasts are becoming more … [Read more...]
How to create a multichannel digital marketing strategy
Marketing has been complex, but it was never easy. The way businesses and consumers interact with each other has changed dramatically thanks to modern technology. Social media platforms and smartphones enable customers and brands to communicate more than ever. Furthermore, technology has revolutionized marketing strategies by turning every decision data-driven. All of these changes have made it … [Read more...]
Top 5 Types: User-Generated Content for Your Marketing Strategy
User-generated content (UGC), has been a hot topic in digital marketing for the past few years. During the COVID-19 crisis however, it seems more important than ever that customers trust you with reviews, unboxing video and social media takeovers to help your marketing campaign. Brands around the globe are searching for ways to make people rave about their products or services, as consumers … [Read more...]
These are the Top 10 Questions I Was Asked in 400+ Values Screening Interviews
src="https://buffer.com/resources/content/images/2022/02/jose-hernandez-uribe-XRMjwcXExKY-unsplash.jpg" alt="The 10 Questions I've Been Asked the Most in 400+ Values Screening Interviews"> In the past year, we have brought in close to 30 new colleagues. For each hire, we have done 15-25 values screenings. Over the past year, I have done approximately 400 value screening calls. I also always give … [Read more...]
My Prediction for Content Marketing State 2022
Each year, Semruush publishes their state of content market report. After downloading the copy, I was happy to report that content marketing is strong. A proof point is that 47% of companies intend to increase their content team by 2022. The main point is that it serves as the foundation of our firm's existence. The report states that the key to a successful content marketing program is to … [Read more...]
7 Digitally-Native Vertical Brand Examples You Should See
Being the most disruptive kid in class was bad when you were a child. We never imagined that years later, we would all be striving to be the most disruptive child on the block. Digitally native vertical brands (DNVBs), are among the most innovative, disruptive and rapidly-growing businesses in the world. They grow at a rate that is three times higher than other e-commerce companies. … [Read more...]
75+ LinkedIn Statistics To Capture More Leads In 2022
LinkedIn is now the top choice in marketing. Why not? It softens the formal tone of an email and increases the response rate through connecting with your followers. LinkedIn also welcomed Live streaming video and Video Meetings. LinkedIn is no longer a job-seeking platform. LinkedIn has evolved into a platform that allows professionals and businesses to share world-changing ideas and … [Read more...]