Blogging seems like a great way to make money. As you learn more about the topic you are passionate about, you can write and monetize content. To make significant revenue from a blog you must reach a certain level of popularity. This can be challenging considering how much competition you have. You may have trouble if you don't have much experience in this field. What does it take to start a … [Read more...]
How to safeguard your privacy when building your digital company
30-second summary: It is not necessary to become a public figure in order to own a business. It is possible to create an anonymous entity digitally, contrary to popular belief. However, you can use a lot of effective marketing strategies It is difficult to delete personal data that you have already published. How can you manage … [Read more...]
Ask Buffer – Should I Hide my Likes on Instagram
Question: I’ve noticed some Instagram posts no longer have the number of likes visible anymore. I’ve been considering hiding my likes too, but I’m not sure if that’s a good idea from a marketing perspective. Would doing so impact the way advertisers or customers view me and my business? Anyone who has ever posted a photo or Reel on Instagram before probably knows the … [Read more...]
Online Marketing: Time- and Cost-Effective Tips for Small Businesses
Online marketing is a boon for small businesses. It's wonderful that smaller businesses can compete with larger firms on a level playing ground. Modern marketing is more than just advertising. There are many ways to increase exposure for your business with expertise and time, as well as hard cash. On the flip side, however, there are so many options that it can be overwhelming and you may … [Read more...]
Creative Marketing Agency Brings Brands to Life with Video and Buffer
What do a hamburger restaurant chain, a law firm, and a sustainable packing company have in common?They all use social media to grow their brand and they all call on the team at Influence Media to help them create and manage their social content.Founded by Luke Thornton and based in the UK, Influence Media has a broad spectrum of clients. Some large, some small. Some local, some international. It … [Read more...]
6 Ways Small Businesses Celebrate the Earth Day
Earth Day is one of the (many) days when businesses can create or reaffirm a commitment to practicing sustainability. Business owners must take time out to create awareness, especially when climate action is more important than ever.Along with the environmental implications, sustainability is growing in awareness among consumers. A 2021 study by Deloitte found that 34 percent of consumers choose … [Read more...]
Secure Access to Opensearch in AWS
src="" alt="Secure Access To Opensearch on AWS"> Buffer has been working to improve our admin dashboard for customer advocacy. The admin dashboard featured a more powerful search function. As the project was nearing its end, we were prompted to replace managed Elasticsearch on AWS by managed Opensearch. Our … [Read more...]
Instagram Reels: What Can They Do for Small Businesses and Their Real Impact?
Nowadays it’s impossible to scroll through your Instagram feed without coming across at least one — if not several — attention-grabbing videos known as Reels. Dubbed the TikTok Clone, Instagram Reels were released in 2020 and consist of short videos up to one minute long. The feature has overtaken the app’s photos-first philosophy as 91 percent of active Instagram users … [Read more...]
What makes a newsletter good? 10 Best Practices in Design and Content You Should Read
Newsletters are a great way to connect consumers and brands. According to a survey of advertisers who spend $10k+ per year on advertising, 86% believed newsletters created a vital link between their brand and the audience . 88% also believed newsletters would be a valuable tool to reach targeted audiences without the need for third-party data. High-converting newsletters are an important … [Read more...]
How to create a content-marketing strategy for your personal brand
Fenty Beauty and Kylie Cosmetics currently dominate the beauty industry not only because they produce great products, but also because their founders, Rihanna Jenner and Kylie Jenner have strong personal brands that anchor them businesses. Elon Musk tweets a suggestion about a cryptocurrency coin. The price of the coin changes as Musk has claimed that he is a technology expert. TikTok and … [Read more...]