You want to make sure that your marketing strategies are effective to increase sales and profits as a marketer, or business owner. There are many marketing strategies that you can use. Social media is one of the most powerful marketing tools in today's digital age. Facebook is the leader in social media because it has the largest number of users. This makes it easier to reach a larger … [Read more...]
Ask Buffer: What’s the Best Way to Increase Your Twitter Followership?
src="" alt="Ask Buffer: What is the Best Way to Grow on Twitter? "> Today's Ask Buffer is a great question that we received from a follower about growing on Twitter. Buffer has a large following on Twitter, and we love the ease of interacting with our followers. Twitter is a great place to market - it allows brands … [Read more...]
Jetpack Compose Highlights Text
src="" alt="Highlighting Text Input with Jetpack Compose">We recently launched a new feature at Buffer, called Ideas. With Ideas, you can store all your best ideas, tweak them until they’re ready, and drop them straight into your Buffer queue. Now that Ideas has launched in our web and mobile apps, we … [Read more...]
Small Businesses: Holiday Gift Guide
src="" alt="Holiday Gift Guide of Small Businesses"> We've featured many small businesses throughout the year on our blog. I've also had the privilege of interviewing entrepreneurs whose passion for their work is inspiring. It's been the best part of my job, getting to know them. These brands do a lot of … [Read more...]
How to Schedule tweets like a pro in 2023
Twitter consistency is key to success in marketing. It's a consistency that doesn’t lack quality. It can sometimes be difficult to keep tweet quality and consistency. You, as social media marketer must also face the same problem. You can experience a decrease in performance when you move from managing one account to managing multiple social networks. What can you do to keep your … [Read more...]
6 Unusual Ways to Engage Your Brand-New Email Subscribers
[TAG0] It can be difficult to grow your email list, but it is much easier to engage your newly signed subscribers. If they don't receive any value, people will leave your email list quickly. You must keep users engaged and make subscriptions worthwhile to prevent this from happening. It is all about communicating the right messages at the right times to the right people to keep them … [Read more...]
How big an impact can visual identity have upon your organic visibility?
30-second summary: Your visual identity is a collection of all graphic elements that make up your brand, making it distinctive and easily recognizable Consistently building a visual identity across multiple channels builds brand recognition which in turn increases conversions Users can easily remember visual branding elements when they search for … [Read more...]
TikTok SEO – What You Need To Know
src="" alt="What You Need to Know About TikTok SEO"> TikTok is coming after your crown, Google! According to the Senior Vice President at Google, this is what he thinks. The company shared July that TikTok was becoming a search engine for Gen Z. TikTok invests in optimizing users' behavior with new … [Read more...]
2023, The Year of SEO: Why Brands are Leaning In and How to Prepare
30-second summary: SEO is a cost-effective, reliable channel that continues to grow in demand as marketing budgets become more tight. Marketers can get a head-up about where to focus in 2023 by taking a look at some of the algorithm and critical updates in 2022 To achieve business goals, SEO and content marketers must create better processes and work together … [Read more...]
These 7 productivity tips will save you time for content marketers
[TAG0] It takes a lot to create ideas, draft, conceptualize and edit content to adapt to the market. It's difficult to meet deadlines, which makes matters worse. If you are organized, you can overcome these problems, save time and avoid stress. This article will give you seven tips to help content marketers get through the day. Let's take a look at each one individually. Start with … [Read more...]