Let’s face it: it’s tough to constantly produce fresh content for your audience while still remaining relevant and maintaining content quality. That’s why many digital marketers and e-commerce companies are turning to content curation as an alternative or to bolster their content pipelines. But what exactly is content curation and why does it matter for your business’s success in the online … [Read more...]
Here are some email marketing campaign examples to inspire you in your email plan
Do you believe in relationship-building supremacy with your consumers? If you just gave the nod, Email Marketing is the most effective marketing tool for you. Not only can you provide relevant information to your consumers but also catapult conversions for your business. The best part about such a strategy is the personalized experience you will deliver right into your customers’ inboxes. … [Read more...]
These 5 Tips can help optimize your Landing Page Checkout process
Are you a person who clicks the "checkout" button to purchase something, but then leaves before you get it finished? There are many little things that can prevent you from completing a successful checkout. It can be too difficult to complete the checkout process. [TAG0] Your customers should experience the same process. To get to the finish line, they need a seamless experience with their … [Read more...]
Five ways to build an authentic brand in 2022
What can you do to build trust in a market that is so difficult to penetrate? According to the Gustavson Brand Trust Index in 2020, brand trust dropped to an all-time low. The same researchers found a trait that could help restore trust the next year: authenticity. Brand trust and brand authenticity have a significant relationship. Gustavson talks about authenticity in his talk on social … [Read more...]
How to use social media for career growth and connections
Social media plays a big role in how we exist on and offline. From the platforms we are active on to the type of content we engage with, it’s not unusual for people to form (and break) connections based on the platforms they have in common. Folks on Twitter are typically ahead of the curve, always knowing about trends ahead of everyone else while LinkedIn is the professional growth platform … [Read more...]
7 Reasons Your Content Strategy isn’t Working and What To Do About It
You have been trying so hard to work on your content marketing. You have read hundreds of “10 things to do” articles on content marketing and content creation. You have tried all things possible, but absolutely nothing is working! If that is you, we have exactly what you would need to fix your content marketing strategy! In the content abundant age that predominantly functions on … [Read more...]
What you need to know about switching from Google Analytics
Google has dominated the data analytics marketplace for so long that it might feel daunting to switch. You may have reservations about an alternate platform because you have been conditioned to think there is no other tool that can live up to Universal Analytics. We are here to reassure marketers that is not the case—switching has never been easier. Especially since Google recently announced they … [Read more...]
TikTok’s 10 Tips and Tricks for Getting More Views
TikTok has taken the world by storm – over a billion people use it today! As TikTok continues to grow in popularity, more and more marketers are looking for ways to get their videos to stand out from the competition and receive more views. And why wouldn’t they? TikTok exposes you to new audiences you might not have found on other platforms. It is one of the few places where you can almost … [Read more...]
How is our new product performing? Uncover the Launch Metrics
src="https://buffer.com/resources/content/images/2022/06/igor-jSFQvSOmU44-unsplash.jpg" alt="How is Our New Product Performing? A Transparent Look at our Launch Metrics">In early 2021, we started talking about building a new tool at Buffer. We wanted to build a new feature to allow our customers to create beautiful micro sites easily. We wanted to create a simple, intuitive, and delightful … [Read more...]
Everything about creating employee-generated content and how to make it impactful
Let’s face it, traditional marketing is getting a bit stale. Today’s consumers don’t want generic marketing; they want brands to speak to them. In other words, they want a human connection. How can brands give customers the personal touch they crave? One solution is harnessing the power of your employees. Employees know your customers better than anyone, and they know your company. … [Read more...]