Strong inside-out marketing strategies start at home with you and your team. Marketers tend to spend a lot of their time and attention on the outside world. After all, we want people to buy what is being sold here. Because so much attention is given to outside audiences, it's easy to forget about our employees. We must focus on the people at the core of our brand story if we want it to be a … [Read more...]
I had founder burnout while creating a self-care startup.
src="" alt="I Experienced Founder Burnout While Building a Self-Care Startup--Here's What I Do Differently Now"> Many people believe that I have to live a balanced life because I own a self-care company. I thought I understood the boundaries and routines I had to follow to take care myself while I ran … [Read more...]
7 Content Writing Tips Every Writer Needs To Know
You have a lot of responsibility as a content writer for brands that you write for. You have to accurately reflect the brand's voice, personality, and value proposition through the content that you create. Content is what engages audiences during the buyer journey. You are responsible for helping them connect with potential customers. These content writing tips can be used in any industry or … [Read more...]
These are the Best Practices When Setting up Ecommerce Payments
It is crucial to choose the right payment system for your online store. For those not familiar with the payment industry, it can be difficult to navigate the complex world of online payments. We'll be discussing some of the top strategies that you should keep in mind when setting up a payment system for your ecommerce shop. 1. When possible, use a platform-hosted merchant bank account. The … [Read more...]
How do you hire a Marketing Consultant? Here are 6 things you need to know about marketing consultants
Are you looking for a marketing consultant to help you? You've come to the right place. It is a significant investment to hire an external consultant. You are not only bringing in a new person (and an external) to your company but also knowing that major strategy changes are coming. There are many things to remember: What are the steps to determine if your company requires a marketing … [Read more...]
I’m an introvert with high functioning anxiety. Here’s how my business has grown
For most of my life, I never thought I would be a business owner.For starters, both of my parents started businesses, and I saw firsthand the emotional and financial toll it could take. But I was also an introvert who struggled with anxiety. All of the founders I saw were confident and charismatic, seemingly able to calmly handle every business challenge that came their way and pitch their … [Read more...]
8 Google Shopping Metrics To Pay Close Attention To
Google Shopping campaigns are incredibly detailed. However, it can be overwhelming to see all the information. There are many columns that show metrics about how your products are performing when you open your Google Shopping Campaign. What do these metrics mean and what are the most important? We will walk you through eight metrics that can help you track the success of your products and … [Read more...]
How to make a popular blog using Scratch
Blogging seems like a great way to make money. As you learn more about the topic you are passionate about, you can write and monetize content. To make significant revenue from a blog you must reach a certain level of popularity. This can be challenging considering how much competition you have. You may have trouble if you don't have much experience in this field. What does it take to start a … [Read more...]
How to get a positive return from your marketing investment
It is difficult to calculate the return on your marketing investment (ROMI). Marketing investments are not like capital investments which have a fixed upfront cost and clear results. They evolve over time and can produce both empirical and intangible results. It may seem daunting, but creating a solid strategy for long-term growth will increase your ROMI. The strategy and the process you use … [Read more...]
How to safeguard your privacy when building your digital company
30-second summary: It is not necessary to become a public figure in order to own a business. It is possible to create an anonymous entity digitally, contrary to popular belief. However, you can use a lot of effective marketing strategies It is difficult to delete personal data that you have already published. How can you manage … [Read more...]