Software-as-a-service (SaaS) companies live in a universe of mathematical code, complex processes, and highly technical jargon. Potential customers require someone to explain the jargon to them in plain English, or any other language. SaaS companies are a great fit for content marketing. They can still win in saturated markets with content marketing. Better question is, "Can they still win … [Read more...]
Online Marketing: Time- and Cost-Effective Tips for Small Businesses
Online marketing is a boon for small businesses. It's wonderful that smaller businesses can compete with larger firms on a level playing ground. Modern marketing is more than just advertising. There are many ways to increase exposure for your business with expertise and time, as well as hard cash. On the flip side, however, there are so many options that it can be overwhelming and you may … [Read more...]
Creative Marketing Agency Brings Brands to Life with Video and Buffer
What do a hamburger restaurant chain, a law firm, and a sustainable packing company have in common?They all use social media to grow their brand and they all call on the team at Influence Media to help them create and manage their social content.Founded by Luke Thornton and based in the UK, Influence Media has a broad spectrum of clients. Some large, some small. Some local, some international. It … [Read more...]
3 Strategies for engaging online audiences at events:
You've made the decision to host a virtual event or a hybrid one. You have spent weeks preparing details. From booking entertainment to marketing the event to creating an easy registration process, you've done a lot of work. You and your team have spent a lot of time and effort planning this event. It is not something you want guests to "check out" after only 15 minutes. Handbid has helped … [Read more...]
7 Signs That It’s Time To Outsource Your Blog Content
A great blog is essential for your company. Yes, needs. Blogs are becoming a competitive necessity in much the same way that websites were in the 2000s. Nearly all businesses in the B2B as well as B2C sectors incorporate blogs into their overall digital marketing strategy. What if you don’t know where to begin when creating a blog? You have a blog, but it isn't working. You're maintaining it … [Read more...]
6 Ways Small Businesses Celebrate the Earth Day
Earth Day is one of the (many) days when businesses can create or reaffirm a commitment to practicing sustainability. Business owners must take time out to create awareness, especially when climate action is more important than ever.Along with the environmental implications, sustainability is growing in awareness among consumers. A 2021 study by Deloitte found that 34 percent of consumers choose … [Read more...]
Mother’s Day is around the corner. Prep your Ecommerce Store Now
As is the case with all sales-driven holidays, Mother’s and Father’s Day each present a prime opportunity for ecommerce businesses to increase their sales. These two holidays are especially important because their gift giving traditions are not strictly tied to seasonal themes—they’re more about what the parent likes, which opens up marketing opportunities for online stores in a lot more … [Read more...]
Secure Access to Opensearch in AWS
src="" alt="Secure Access To Opensearch on AWS"> Buffer has been working to improve our admin dashboard for customer advocacy. The admin dashboard featured a more powerful search function. As the project was nearing its end, we were prompted to replace managed Elasticsearch on AWS by managed Opensearch. Our … [Read more...]
Why eCommerce Brands Need a Weekly Content Program to Attract More Customers
The way that consumers shop has changed. 87% of consumers start their product search on digital channels such as search engines. If eCommerce businesses want to reach their customers and connect with them, they need great content. A copywriting service for eCommerce sellers has grown to be a very popular option. It is not easy to create content that attracts your audience and converts them … [Read more...]
Instagram Reels: What Can They Do for Small Businesses and Their Real Impact?
Nowadays it’s impossible to scroll through your Instagram feed without coming across at least one — if not several — attention-grabbing videos known as Reels. Dubbed the TikTok Clone, Instagram Reels were released in 2020 and consist of short videos up to one minute long. The feature has overtaken the app’s photos-first philosophy as 91 percent of active Instagram users … [Read more...]