There are quite a few different reasons that your blog strategy will need the help of social media. Very simply, just by posting your blog to your social media accounts you will get more visibility on the blog. Social media allows for a very easy way to promote your content and others can even do it for you by sharing the content. Finally, social media will allow you to do research into your … [Read more...]
How to optimize SEO titles based on popular keywords
30-second summary: To get traffic, converts and make money with Adsense or affiliates, title optimization is crucial for articles, blogs, and webpages. To avoid being penalized for keyword stuffing, stick to one keyword phrase per webpage. However, adding additional keywords to create a more sensible title can help increase traffic to your website. These are … [Read more...]
52 Questions for Product Marketing Interviews You Should Be Asking
Without a product marketer, no product management team can succeed. The product marketer is responsible for finding the right audience, positioning products, crafting strategies and completing the sales cycle. To position and promote your product, you need someone who is able to keep up with market trends and customer behaviour. It's time for a product marketer to be hired if you work in … [Read more...]
Five Content Marketing Lessons From the Fastest Growing SaaS Companies
Long-running debate raged about whether SaaS companies actually needed content marketing. This debate will be over by 2022 -- content is an essential part of digital marketing success for any SaaS brand. SaaS solutions are not the same as other industries, so it is more difficult to find the right approach that works for them. SaaS content covers a variety of technical topics. SaaS companies … [Read more...]
21 Small Business Brands we Love
Buffer is determined to help small businesses grow their brand on social media. We've seen so many amazing companies as a result. We wanted to share our top picks as we close out the year. You might be wondering how they were chosen. We love brands that: Created a strong brand identity: The best brands make sure that everything, from their products to social media content to community … [Read more...]
The User Experience (UX), is what can make or break an ecommerce company
The user experience of a website (UX) can often be misunderstood to refer to "how easy it is for users to use the website". This definition is only one aspect of UX. UX can be more accurately described as an experience. UX is a holistic approach to a website that encompasses all aspects and the user's interaction with them. A website with great UX is polished, detailed and highly satisfying for … [Read more...]
Copy or design? Which is more important for landing page success?
You might be a busy marketer who is limited in time and wonder if you should spend more time writing copy or designing the landing page visually. It can be difficult to design a landing page. It can be difficult if this is not your field of expertise. Because design is a key factor in landing page performance, many marketers struggle for hours, days or even weeks. Design is important, but … [Read more...]
The relationship between content creativity and money: the unexposed truth
On the new episode of The Marketing Companion, creative genius Jay Acunzo and I explore the relationship between creativity and money. This is a head-spinning discussion and far-reaching discussion that you cannot miss. We present this discussion in three chapters: What is creativity like when you’re broke? What is it like when you have some resources? If you won the lottery, how would you spend … [Read more...]
7 Incredible Live Shopping Examples from Real Brands
You'll be a digital marketer for as many years as I have. Do you remember Google Glass? What about all the articles in early 2021 claiming that Clubhouse was poised to dominate social media? It is safe to say that interest in the audio-only platform has declined a bit since then. Live shopping is the next big thing in online commerce. It's actually quite popular (although not yet in the … [Read more...]
3 Reasons Why Automatization is Important for Small & Medium Business
Automization can be important for both small and medium sized businesses for a few different reasons. When you implement automization it will allow you to spend more time directly working with your client list and helping solve their issues. Automization will also allow you to explore new avenues and ways to promote your product and market it. Finally, automization will give you a customer … [Read more...]