A great blog is essential for your company. Yes, needs. Blogs are becoming a competitive necessity in much the same way that websites were in the 2000s. Nearly all businesses in the B2B as well as B2C sectors incorporate blogs into their overall digital marketing strategy. What if you don’t know where to begin when creating a blog? You have a blog, but it isn't working. You're maintaining it … [Read more...]
Mother’s Day is around the corner. Prep your Ecommerce Store Now
As is the case with all sales-driven holidays, Mother’s and Father’s Day each present a prime opportunity for ecommerce businesses to increase their sales. These two holidays are especially important because their gift giving traditions are not strictly tied to seasonal themes—they’re more about what the parent likes, which opens up marketing opportunities for online stores in a lot more … [Read more...]
Why eCommerce Brands Need a Weekly Content Program to Attract More Customers
The way that consumers shop has changed. 87% of consumers start their product search on digital channels such as search engines. If eCommerce businesses want to reach their customers and connect with them, they need great content. A copywriting service for eCommerce sellers has grown to be a very popular option. It is not easy to create content that attracts your audience and converts them … [Read more...]
Consolidating Your Ecommerce Technology Stack
You will gradually add technology to your online storefront as your business grows. This includes data analysis and customer service. Although technology can be very helpful, it can also cause confusion and bloat in your systems. Consolidating ecommerce technology stacks is a good idea for all ecommerce businesses. Let's now discuss the benefits of consolidating your tech stack and how you can … [Read more...]
Peter Drucker’s Wisdom on Marketing: Business IS Marketing
Peter Drucker's timeless wisdom is sprinkled all over the world of business and management. His brilliant definitions of marketing, business and management are often quoted - and with good reason. His ability to express complex ideas elegantly and clearly was a gift. His influential thoughts are often referenced - as in this blog post about our favourite inspirational quotes and another on how … [Read more...]
Content Marketing for E-Commerce Brands. The A to Z guide
It is there. You know exactly what your audience wants. Are you tired of waiting for people to discover YOU and the DIFFERENCE that your company can make? Do not worry dear friend. We have laid out the steps to rekindle your love for Jack Dawson. If you aren't already, Jack is your target audience. This is not the Titanic. No one's gotta drown. This ultimate guide will make it easy … [Read more...]
9 Easy Steps to Dramatically Increase Website Speed
Did you know that your website's performance can be affected by five seconds? Five seconds. Every second that your website takes to load decreases your conversion rate by 4.422%. This is because users only spend five seconds on your site. Further research has shown that every second of delay in loading your website results in 11% less pageviews and 16% less customer satisfaction. Your ROI … [Read more...]
I Remade 5 Email Popups for Online Brands. Here’s the result.
Today I am doing a makeover. Not just any makeover. Popup Makeover #SleeknoteStyle Here's the deal First, I will take five online brands who are using website popups for growth. Next, I'll address their shortcomings. Finally, I will redesign their popups using Sleeknote based on what they can do better. Let's get started. Need more list building inspiration? Access our swipe file … [Read more...]
7 Ways Ecommerce Businesses Could Save Money
Let's face it, we are all in this business to make money. Ecommerce business owners have to be more efficient in order to increase profits and keep prices competitive, due to rising costs. It's easy to concentrate on increasing revenue. However, that's only half the equation. Streamlining your processes and reducing costs is the other half. We'll be covering some of the best money-saving … [Read more...]
Top Content Marketing Agencies to Consider For Your Business
49% of marketers aren't sure if their content is earning them money. John Wanamaker stated that advertising is a form of advertising. This was more than 100 years ago. This problem shouldn't be a problem if you have a digital channel that can measure your results. Particularly since content is an important business asset in today’s “phygital” (physical + digital marketing mix). It is … [Read more...]