Blogging seems like a great way to make money. As you learn more about the topic you are passionate about, you can write and monetize content. To make significant revenue from a blog you must reach a certain level of popularity. This can be challenging considering how much competition you have. You may have trouble if you don't have much experience in this field. What does it take to start a … [Read more...]
How to get a positive return from your marketing investment
It is difficult to calculate the return on your marketing investment (ROMI). Marketing investments are not like capital investments which have a fixed upfront cost and clear results. They evolve over time and can produce both empirical and intangible results. It may seem daunting, but creating a solid strategy for long-term growth will increase your ROMI. The strategy and the process you use … [Read more...]
How to safeguard your privacy when building your digital company
30-second summary: It is not necessary to become a public figure in order to own a business. It is possible to create an anonymous entity digitally, contrary to popular belief. However, you can use a lot of effective marketing strategies It is difficult to delete personal data that you have already published. How can you manage … [Read more...]
What Demand Marketing Actually Means
All marketing efforts have one goal: to delight customers and consumers at all stages of the buyer’s journey. People who are happy can be effective brand promoters and spread the word about your products and services. Demand marketing is at the core of everything. We are all familiar with many B2B marketing strategies that we are all engrossed and obsessed with, from lead generation to lead … [Read more...]
Ask Buffer – Should I Hide my Likes on Instagram
Question: I’ve noticed some Instagram posts no longer have the number of likes visible anymore. I’ve been considering hiding my likes too, but I’m not sure if that’s a good idea from a marketing perspective. Would doing so impact the way advertisers or customers view me and my business? Anyone who has ever posted a photo or Reel on Instagram before probably knows the … [Read more...]
How SaaS Companies Can Win with Content Marketing
Software-as-a-service (SaaS) companies live in a universe of mathematical code, complex processes, and highly technical jargon. Potential customers require someone to explain the jargon to them in plain English, or any other language. SaaS companies are a great fit for content marketing. They can still win in saturated markets with content marketing. Better question is, "Can they still win … [Read more...]
Online Marketing: Time- and Cost-Effective Tips for Small Businesses
Online marketing is a boon for small businesses. It's wonderful that smaller businesses can compete with larger firms on a level playing ground. Modern marketing is more than just advertising. There are many ways to increase exposure for your business with expertise and time, as well as hard cash. On the flip side, however, there are so many options that it can be overwhelming and you may … [Read more...]
Creative Marketing Agency Brings Brands to Life with Video and Buffer
What do a hamburger restaurant chain, a law firm, and a sustainable packing company have in common?They all use social media to grow their brand and they all call on the team at Influence Media to help them create and manage their social content.Founded by Luke Thornton and based in the UK, Influence Media has a broad spectrum of clients. Some large, some small. Some local, some international. It … [Read more...]
3 Strategies for engaging online audiences at events:
You've made the decision to host a virtual event or a hybrid one. You have spent weeks preparing details. From booking entertainment to marketing the event to creating an easy registration process, you've done a lot of work. You and your team have spent a lot of time and effort planning this event. It is not something you want guests to "check out" after only 15 minutes. Handbid has helped … [Read more...]
7 Signs That It’s Time To Outsource Your Blog Content
A great blog is essential for your company. Yes, needs. Blogs are becoming a competitive necessity in much the same way that websites were in the 2000s. Nearly all businesses in the B2B as well as B2C sectors incorporate blogs into their overall digital marketing strategy. What if you don’t know where to begin when creating a blog? You have a blog, but it isn't working. You're maintaining it … [Read more...]