Your marketing team uses content, even if your company isn't living under a rock. Is your content delivering the results you desire? You might consider hiring a content agency. The Content Marketing Institute reports that more than 70% of businesses outsource content today, but that only a small percentage of these companies are using outsourcing strategies. The majority are focused on content … [Read more...]
The Complete Social Media Image Dimensions Cheat Sheet
The power of optimized social media images is amazing! Who doesn't love a well-done image? The right image sizes on social media make them look great. Are you ready to be different? Images don't look great because of one element. A great image is made up of all elements. This is how it looks. It was an incredible image. But, because you didn’t optimize it correctly, half the elements were … [Read more...]
The Ultimate Guide to TikTok Market
While you can laugh all you want, it's high time that we all took TikTok seriously. This platform is no longer a playground for online teens, but it's now open to everyone. Millions of people spend hours scrolling through endless content. If you aren't marketing your brand there, you're missing an enormous opportunity. Here's the ultimate guide to TikTok Marketing. This guide will … [Read more...]
Understanding the three awareness stages in your online audience
30-second summary: Do you feel confident in how your target customer moves through the three stages of awareness, consideration, decision? Websites that only cater to the first stage in awareness will not convert. However, sites that are only interested in conversions might struggle to convert. How to create balanced, targeted content to better … [Read more...]
How we offer Async Training for our Fully-Distributed Customer Advocacy team
src="" alt="How We Offer Async Training To Our Fully-Distributed Customer Advocacy Team"> We've tried a variety of training formats within the Buffer Advocacy group, including training over Zoom, lightning talks and recorded trainings. It is often energizing to train together as a group and fosters a sense … [Read more...]
Email Marketing Trends To Watch Out For In 2022
Ray Tomlinson, an American computer programmer, sent the first email in 1971. Little did he know that this channel would become the foundation of all business communications. Email boasts an impressive global user base of 4Billion and a market value of $7.5 Billion. Businesses' dependence on email reached its peak in 2020, as the world was ravaged by the deadly coronavirus. In a few years, email … [Read more...]
How to Write a Client-Winning Social Media Proposal + [FREE] Template
You have now attracted the client's attention, and they are now ready to move on to the consideration stage of your sales funnel. You need to shine brighter than your competition at this stage. This is what will convince your clients to choose you for their social media marketing. My friend has a great looking " Social Media proposal". It doesn't matter if you're a freelancer, or a … [Read more...]
How to price Ecommerce products competitively (without compromising profit margins)
Current estimates put the number of active ecommerce websites at 12-24 million. Online selling is fiercely competitive. No matter what niche you may have, there are many other online shops that can compete with yours for your business. Consider setting the prices of your products and services competitively to position your store as the best choice for consumers. How can you create a pricing … [Read more...]
How to Add your Business to Google Maps
Do you want to add your business on Google Maps? Google is the most popular search engine with a 92% market share. You need to be visible here, as the second and third services are not even close. You must appear in the search results. However, you must also be visible on Google Maps. When your information is available, the search engine will display it, including your address, and your map … [Read more...]
LinkedIn Analytics: A Complete Guide for B2B Marketers
According to statistics 79% of B2B marketers believe LinkedIn is a good source of leads and 97% use it to support their content marketing strategy. It is obvious that LinkedIn has evolved from a job-recruiting network to become a major source of leads and sales for small and large companies, particularly B2Bs. However, to make a LinkedIn B2B marketing campaign a success, you will need a … [Read more...]